Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

FM3 buddha machine 2

All things must come in twos...the creators of the buddha machine are back with version 2. this time with nine new samples and a new wheel for pitch variation. Sweet!

Get it at Forced Exposure (I shopped with them before, they are reputable).

[fm3 site]

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Some great free max/MSP stuff:

I was researching Elastic~, the msp external which costs GBP20 and uses the same pitch and time algorithm as Ableton Live, Cubase, etc...


I found some awesome stuff, including a similar external AND a max/msp clone of an MPC 2000...


I miss this shit:

New MachineDrum

Johnny Cash - “Belshazzar” (Machine Drum Remix)

Praveen & Benoit - “Embers” (Machinedrum Version)


Monday, November 17, 2008


from an earlier post!:

Tuesday November 18th! we are kicking off the Five to Nine Series at RedCat!
Come join us for an early evening of music, interactive multi-touch tables and perhaps if the mood strikes....Twister!
And we have made La Cita the official place to go hang out before and after the show, if you haven't been La Cita it's great and it's walking distance from RedCat.



Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hard Drive Disc Jockey

someone hacked a hard drive to make it a rotary device for audio mixing.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Daedelus at 5 to 9 at RedCat.... Free!

Tuesday November 18th! we are kicking off the Five to Nine Series at RedCat!
Come join us for an early evening of music, interactive multi-touch tables and perhaps if the mood strikes....Twister!
And we have made La Cita the official place to go hang out before and after the show, if you haven't been La Cita it's great and it's walking distance from RedCat.

Here are some links:

Brick Table
Owen Vallis
Sahy Uhns
La Cita

12 Part Audio recording on the history of electronic music (up to 1970)

From "Tone Generation is a twelve-part audio documentary on the global history of electronic music until the 1970s."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sometimes it befuddles me

Oh facebook, how dumb your people are.