Monday, March 3, 2008

New Touch Table Interface

Here is a Link to the multi touch interface that Jordan Hochenbaum and I made for the Sound in Space festival at SeaandSpace in eagle rock LA. Lots, and lots of coffee,...and very little sleep made this possible. Thanks to all the folks who came out to see it, you guys rock.

Here is some tech info on what we did.

We used the surface temperature and location from a map that was updated every hour. We used the
XY data in order to create an arrangement in a nine-way mixer, and used the color from the surface temp to control a band pass filter. We also used rotational data from two additional objects in order to scrub through prerecorded buffers and create small bits of looped material. The software was written in Max/MSP, Jitter, and Reaktor. The table works thanks to the open source reaTIVision software developed by Martin Kaltenbrunner and Ross Bencina at the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain.


opusdelenda said...

2 words: hot - crackers.

Jasmin Blasco said...

I agree with our Graphic Designer but we cant see the pic that you got on facebook!