Friday, July 31, 2009


If you're like me you tap your shoes a lot. Well now you can put it to some good use. A piezo-electric generator in shoes? A chair that counts calories? Nope... A midi controller with sensors embedded into the heel and toe. Complete with a How to so you can do it too!

BeatSneaks - Musical Shoes from Tom Hobson on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Add some analog warmth to your favorite room

Check out these lamps made from recycled cassette tapes from ooomydesign. Pretty neat, I dunno if they sell them here in the U.S. but worth checking out. As a designer I won't say you might be able do this at home, support the industry.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is what I call a drum machine

This cute little yellow robot drives around, finds somthing, and taps out a sweet beat on it. Check the site for more videos and links to the second (maybe better but not as cute) version.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Major Lazer

If you like M.I.A. you might like Major Lazer, a sort of reggae/dance hall with awesome visuals in this video. Also his album is called "Guns Don't Kill People... Lazers Do"

Monday, July 27, 2009

the foods free

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Telefon Tel Aviv coming to LA, Sept 25

Joshua Eustis, the remaining half of Telefon, and Fredo Nogueira will be joining forces to tour around the U.S. They already toured Europe in late Spring, now they're coming here, so show some support.

They're playing at Spaceland. I expect this show to sell out. Tickets are *NOT* on sale yet, but I will let you know immediately when they are.

A little note from Joshua - apparently the Medical Examiner ruled inconclusively, meaning "there was not enough evidence to indicate" that it was suicide. "It very well could've been an accident and that's what the Medical Examiner thinks at this time."

Update: Tickets go on sale tomorrow at noon (Sat, July 18th). [Link]


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Akai's answer to the Korg Nano

Disappointed with the Korg Nano's keyboard? Well Akai just released an answer called the LPK25 (ooooh yeah sexxy name scheme) additionally they have the LPD8 which features 8 pads and 8 knobs. Slightly bigger than the Nano, but still pretty small, these might have better performance. We won't know till reviews start hitting the world.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dali and Disney Collab

Back in 1945 Disney and Dali collaborated on an animated short. The film was not completed until 2003, its pretty trippy.

Create music....WITH YOUR BRAINS!

Some scientists at Trinity College have basically made a midi controller that hooks into an MRI. Then the different synapses firing make different noises to make a sort of nice ambient track. Check it out.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Little Boots

You might remember the spectacular cover of Hot Chip's Ready for the Floor that Jasmin posted like a year ago. Back then the video had a few hits and little boots had even fewer videos. Well whoever said this internet thing can't start a music career was wrong. After seeing some of her videos online a TV show in the UK brought her on to perform, now shes got a record out. And had an entire episode of Last Call with Carson Daly last night dedicated to her, apparently the UK media is calling her the savior of Pop music, basically shes destined to be a hit, and its hot when she says "tenori-on".

So does the cataBlog have what it takes to make stars? You should go buy some music and try.