No not that Otto. OTTO is a real time tangible interface for slicing up beats on the fly. Via USB and Max/MSP this touch sensitive disk allows you to move around in the sample, reverse and pause, there might be more but I cant tell. Check out the video and link for more info.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
OTTO beat slicer
Monday, June 29, 2009
I know the jimmy fallon show in general sucks....
One of the benefits of Jimmy Fallon taking over Conan's old show is that he managed to convince The Roots to be his band. I honestly watch to see who the musical guest is and if they are playing with The Roots, and to fill the commercial breaks of Craig Ferguson. Anyways, on Friday Erykah Badu sat in with the band to do Michael Jackson covers, before taping they recorded cover of I Wanna Be Where You Are. ?uestlove shared up the link via twitter, and I share it here with you, its pretty great.
Friday, June 26, 2009
How'd he do it?
We all know that Michael Jackson was a beast. One of the tricks he had up his sleve was the smooth criminal move, when he and other dancers would lean past 45 degrees and not fall over. I remember as a kid trying and falling a few times, and watching the videos and looking for lines or some way they would hold them up. Then seeing it done live I couldn't believe it could be done in a concert. If you watch this video you can see a clue as to how its done if you watch the foot of the guy on the right (if you dont want to sit through the awesomeness fast forward to 3:50ish).
If you want to see how its done click here to read how its done, unless you want to keep the illusion alive, its pretty ingenious.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
TouchOSC on your phone
Available on the iPhone, iTouch. Soon on Android and other touch devices.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Livid's Ohm64 Controller
Been thinking of buying an APC40, but dont like all the shitty DRM type stuff they do (only works with live, only works with real apc40s...) and want to have somthing thats actually made of wood!? Well check out the Livid Ohm64 its pretty simmilar in price and functionality, actually has more functionality, check out the full overview at create digital music.